Sunday, March 8, 2009

Operations Class

Well it was my first week in my college Brasserie cooking live for real paying customers eating in the brasserie...

And i must say in a live kitchen with a experience or professional chef cooking for customers does stress ppl out... i was beyond stress i was absolutely freaking out at first but it turns out it wasnt that bad partly because firstly i have a nice chef though i did get a slight kick but its normal even my other class mates got it as well... so yea..

anyway i was position at the entree Risotto and Sides section, during service among the others mine was the busiest section compared to the other sections but fortunately the chef decided to jump in and lend me a helping hand... all in all it ended pretty nicely and to be honest i am more confident and looking forward in returning to the kitchen next week again...

well unfortunately this term i wont be able to have time to take photos as i did last term about my dishes but hopefully next term will... either way take care cheers...