Friday, February 27, 2009


Well my Birthday has passed about a while ago. To be honest this is my first ever birthday away from Malaysia away from my family and friends so so far away from home..

well as the saying goes there's always a first in everything....

So well my aunt decided to bring me to Hornsby RSL club- bistro for my Birthday dinner on Sunday, well first off as we entered the bistro things looked pretty alright in a simple calm club-ish manner... as for the food i had the special of the day which was a T-bone Steak but because it was the special of the day there were many orders for the special so as you may figure mine didnt really turn out the way i wanted it to be... as i ordered a medium-rare steak...

It came out kinda burned on the sides but was medium rare in the middle.. because of the burned sides it gave the steak a strong bitter taste killing its original taste... but yet the middle part of the steak was still nice...but still i don really blame the chef.. as for my drink I had a glass of lemonade Vodka...

after the meal we decided to head to the Hornsby Mall to have some ice cream and i must say the ice cream was pretty good^^ not too sweet....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Just to clarify.... well Gordon Ramsey is very well known for his brilliance as a chef with 3 michelin stars and has about 22 restaurants world wide and has 3 reality tv series such as kitchen nightmare, Hells Kitchen and the last but not least the f Word... and as we all know that Gordon is also very well known for his use of words but the f Word does not stand for f*ck but in truth it stands for food... well maybe most of you know this but i just wanted to clarify about that.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Malacca or Melaka is a state which is filled with a rich culture heritage, an amazing history and not to forget a place where famous good and rich food can be found.

Malacca is one of Malaysia's hottest tourist spots where the roads are decorated with fresh flowers, historical landmarks and colorful 'becah' which are bicycle taxis which are decorated with load of flowers, lights and as for some even music depending on the cyclist or riders liking.

though Melaka is still considered as hot tourist spot in Malaysia but sad to say that over the years it has been developed to a more modern tourist place, thou many of it's historical landmarks are still kept and protected but yet buildings such as shopping malls and food courts has some how in a way robbed its originality where both the historical landmarks do not and can never blend in with the modern day shopping malls it pains me to say that i would rather prefer it as it was 5 years back when i visited Melaka where you feel that the beauty of the place has not been affected nor spoiled by the modern day buildings that its still safe from the busy growing world, where its a place for locals and tourist to feel relax in a slow pace, peaceful manner and enjoy being surrounded by historical buildings and such.

But despite its disappointing changes, Melaka still has one thing to offer which i believe will be quite hard to change, is it's the original baba, nyonya and Portuguese cuisine food which have earn its reputation around Malaysia where else to find genuine nyonya & Portuguese food in Malaysia other than in Melaka.

The few dishes which is famous in Melaka besides nyonya and Portuguese food is it's unique and tasty Chinese Chicken Rise Balls and satay celup and the crowd waiting to get their hands on it was absolutely unbelievable you could be there for hours before you could even get a place to sit not to mention order... And due to the fact that me and my friends was there for a day trip we went off and settled in for the next best thing that we could get our hands on.

For lunch we ate Wan tan mee, But the Wan tan mee in Melaka its absolutely different from the ones in Kl the mee is more soft and delicate very light and smooth on the mouth, tho it has very limited choices as the shop only sells 'char siu' sweet pork but yet it was absolutely fantastic and to be honest i do not fancy eating 'char siu' but this was exceptionally delicious, and thats not all we discovered that the wan tan mee had a special ingredient in it which is 'chu yau cha' which means pork fat (which is sliced to little cubical pieces and fried to a crispy and absolutely fragrant taste tho it may not be the healthiest thing in world but its definitely one of the tastiest delicacies in Chinese cooking) , and wan tan mee is never complete without a bowl of 'sui gao' which means dumpling soup indeed this 2 dishes are a perfect match.. the soup was very sweat, fragrent and not to mention light in the mouth, and it is topped with some dumplings and spring onions which made the soup even more outstanding like any other the texture of the dumpling skin was very silky and smooth like 'tau fu fa' as for its filling it was filled with merinated pork meat and the taste of it was just amazingly lovely...there is not a doubt that this is the most unique and tastiest 'Char siu wan tan mee' i have eaten in my entire life, and last but not least it only cost rm2.80 for a small bowl and rm3.20 for a large bowl.( note to self next time go for the Big bowl.)

as for our dinner we walked round along jonker street where little hawker stalls of food and shops selling gifts and accessories flooded the entire place it was just jam packed with stalls and people pushing and making their way around the street it was hot but yet an interesting and fun experience. As we walk we bought food like oyster stir fried with eggs, otak-otak and char kuey.. the oyster eggs were good but not as good as the ones i had in Pinang because firsty I could barely taste or eat the oysters and secondly it was also not as tasty, as for the otak-otak it was good both the texture of the otak and flavour was good and to top it off the spice of the otak was just nice not too spicy just nice to give that little heat to boost its flavour as for the char kuey it was good but i would also prefer the ones i had in Pinang which were much more fragrent in taste andsmell.. it had more bean sprouts too which gives it a bit more crunch to every bite...

I will admit that it may not be a very healthy way of eating so many fried stuff but hey its Malaysia and further more it's MELAKA so why not just go crazy and satisfy your mouth and pellet with what ever goodness and delicious food you can get on to... at the end of the day i assure you it will worth every bite in it and giving you a very happy and satisfied end... As for the next day just make sure you workout twice more than your normal routine cause hey no matter what we do we still have to pay a price for our actions right? so why not? =)

Why so complicated?

Before i started studying cookery i always had the idea that cooking was tough and in many ways very complicated where in fact its not, when i started my course I found out that cooking is actually quite simple all you need is to be passionate or maybe even just need to like it, cooking is some what like drawing you just need to know the method of drawing it, or in this case cooking it, some one can give you the greatest recipe of all time but if you do the methods wrong you will not get the dish, 2 same dishes may have totally different taste, dish one maybe be fantastic where as dish two may just suck, its because of the method is not done right.

many chefs round the world now love to use or create plain,simple, fast yet all so very tasty and colorful dishes. one of Chef Ramsey's sentences are 'it's quick, simple, vibrant and delicious' he always loves to use words like 'fast, quick, easy ,simple' when his cooking as for his dishes presentation it's never too fancy. Like my chef's lecturer said our presentation has to have 3 things relevance, relevance & relevance... no fancy pants things like umbrella's and little sugar daddy or people dolls on or beside it... its cooking not baking...

Malaysian food

Like any other cuisines in the world Malaysian cuisine has it's own uniqueness, like India is curry, Italian is cheese and pasta but as for Malaysia there are various types of uniqueness due to the fact that it is a multi-racial country where Malays, Chinese,Baba(mixture of chinese and malay culture and heritage) & Indians live together in harmony, so out of the large variety dishes i can possibly think of in Malaysia are: Roti canai, Roti tissue, char kuay teow, bak ku teh, Hokkien Mee, Mee Goreng, Wan Tun Mee, deep fried chicken skin, Indian nasi bryani, nyonya cuisine, nasi lemak and loads more..

And there is no doubt that Malaysian cuisine is absolutely popular for its fantastic taste and smell. Where as the presentation of the food in Malaysia is normally just plain and simple and served on a flat plastic or tin plate but yet it's so very attracting to the person/people eating it.

Also compare with countries like Aus, a majority of Malaysian food is far more cheaper than it is in other countries, I read an article last year on an Australian journalist who went to Malaysia and dine in normal road side restaurants and having to spend less than 15 aussie$ i think he was able to order heeps of things including drinks. which is O so very cheap!! but yet some times we as Malaysians often do complain that our food is way too costly where in fact its not...

I also noticed that many of Malaysian's dishes are made from very basic simple ingredients such as Roti canai, mutton soup ect... which all smells and taste good.

So who says Malaysian's dont know how to eat good food aiy...